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Chefs Edition 2021

A series of promotional videos showcasing Davidoffs newest Chefs Edition cigar series.
End Product
Promotional Videos


Four master chefs, numerous local ingredients bursting with flavor, an eye for detail and our favorite cigar maker. This can hardly get any better… or can it?

The Client

Being happy with the results of the 2019 campaign, Davidoff contacted us once again to tease their 2021 Chefs Edition.

The Location

We set up a variety of shootings, taking us to multiple beautiful locations within Italy, Austria, Mexico, the USA and finally, completing the edit in Switzerland.

The Timing

While the conception of the project had already started in June 2021, the videos were filmed and edited in August 2021.

About the Brand

Having skipped a year in 2020 due to the various logistical difficulties of COVID, Davidoff has continued its legacy of the Chefs Edition in 2021. For those who aren’t familiar with this line of delicious cigars yet, it is a collaboration between masters of cuisine and masters of cigars – all in the name of taste.
This year, Davidoff has partnered with Jorge Vallejo, Norbert Niederkofler, Juan Amador and Masa Takayama, 4 individuals who posess so many MICHELIN starts that they could create a small galaxy. Each chef working with their own flavor, combining their particular skill with the finest local ingredients, results in an offer that cigar lovers don’t want to pass up on. Despite not being avid cigar experts ourselves, this precious collaboration demonstrates our favorite attribute – quality.

Five countries, five videos, five opportunities to reveal this prized arrangement to the masses.

We were extremely happy to have had the chance of playing a small part in bringing these behind-the-scenes moments to a broader audience. The solid logistical base for visiting five different countries within two weeks has helped keep the project in scope throughout the entire process.
The videos were given a short-story format, allowing the viewers a small glimpse into the amount of passion and finesse that was required in order to create the Chefs Edition 2021 experience.

Thank you, Davidoff

Get in touch!

If you would like to know more about us, we kindly invite you to send us an e-mail or give us a call. We’ll make sure to schedule a meeting at your desired location, as we all know, face-to-face meetings are the most pleasant.

Or keep browsing.

There’s plenty more where this came from, if you’re looking for inspiration,
feel free to look at some of our other videos.